Small Group Ministry has grown and spread throughout UUism, starting with the publication of Covenant Group News (CGN) in 1997. The originator, Rev. Bob Hill, called it "An occasional newsletter about a radical new/old way of organizing your church." A broad number of resources have developed, a large number of people have been involved. Organized in 2004, the UU Small Group Ministry Network has moved more from developing materials and offering programs toward supporting and networking with participants and developers and providers.
Small Groups, deeper connections!
Intimacy or being in a covenanting community and ultimacy of going deeper as we engage issues of life along our spiritual journey are the critical and uniting factors of Small Group/Covenant Group Ministry! The vision of the Small Group Ministry Network has been "Creating healthy congregations and a vital Unitarian Universalist movement with Covenant Groups and Small Group Ministry". You can be an active participant in this vision.
Suggest how and with whom can we connect and what can we do together.
Resource Accessibility
Resources for Small Group Ministry are noted on the Network website; on the UUA and Bookstore websites, congregational websites and other places. The Resources sections have primarily included materials created through the Network. "Free Online Resources" is expanding to include articles or links to UUA website and other online materials for which there is not a charge. "Resources for Sale" is expanding to include links and information about other publications and online items for which there is a cost. We are including programs that use Small Group Ministry as a primary component of a broader program or shows how to use other sources in Small Group Ministry. The article on Expanding Resources gives examples of these. You can assist in making resources more accessible.
Share resources you have developed to enrich Small Group Ministry for others.
Participate on a Network Resource Accessibility Team.
Session Plans as UU literature
We are promoting Small Group Ministry/Covenant Group sessions as a unique UU form of literature. By their very use, they influence Unitarian Universalist thought. Writing session plans may be a form of spiritual practice; session plans can be guides for individual as well as group spiritual reflection. There are over a thousand session plans on the Network website or linked to the website.
There have been changes in these contributions. 1) Additional congregations and writers are sending session plans for posting. 2) Session plans are being submitted closer to or as they are being used. 3) Session plans are addressing a broad range of personal, societal and spiritual issues. Reading and posting session plans re-enforces the importance of Unitarian Universalism in this time! We invite you to:
Invite discussion on use and importance of Session Plans as UU literature.
Indicate topics that you would to see as session plans and how you can assist.
Assist the Network Session Plan Team in making session plans more accessible.
Networking Opportunities
When we share our experiences and learn from successes and challenges, we are NETWORKING. This includes conversations, workshops and conferences, articles and session plans. The Members Section of the UU SGM Network website gives a way for connecting directly with other members about their programs, status, successes and challenges.
How do you - or how would you like to -- connect with congregations and programs with similar characteristics to yours, such as size, demographics?
We are increasing our use of Face Book and Twitter.
UU Small Group Ministry Network Archives
The Network has over twenty years of resources and writings related to the emergence and evolution of Small Group Ministry/Covenant Groups - the only historical collection of its kind. The Network is convening a group of historical and contemporary participants in Small Group Ministry to develop a plan that allows for preservation and access to Network and UU history of Small Group/Covenant Group and its impact broadly and within the congregation.
The Network evolves
The Network relies on input from all areas of Small Group Ministry. The Network structure is a small coordinating body with team approach in areas, such as resources, session plans, networking, archives, and emerging uses of Small Group/Covenant Group Ministry. Communication is primarily via electronic media as scheduled by participants in a manner that keeps everyone informed and provides collaboration.
There are various ways that we can 'network' to enhance Small Group Ministry. It is evolving, enhancing the UU community at all levels. We look forward to your participation.