I appreciated the opportunity to be at the Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge May 21-22 to lead a workshop on Small Group Ministry With Youth. Transformation occurred with the session plans on "Youth-Adult Relations" and "Being a Facilitator." The youth are ready to take this on! They will be working with the incoming DRE, SGM Coordinator and youth coordinator on the logistics.
It was an honor to work with Rev. Steve Crump on the Sunday Service, where I described the movement toward Small Group Ministry for all ages as being in a swimming pool.
"Now think of a large swimming pool and the water is Small Group Ministry. The adults were the first into the water. They found small group ministry to be a great experience. But if it were such a wonderful thing, why should it be for adults only? If we want our children and youth to understand the culture of the congregation and to stay in the congregation, why not introduce them to small group ministry? If small group ministry is going to change our congregations, and our children and youth are our future leaders, we had better involve them in this new way of "doing church."
Small Group Ministry/Covenant Group materials became available for Young Adults, youth, and children initially between 2003 and 2005. So other ages have been exposed the Small Group Ministry/Covenant Groups. But the pool is still filled primarily with adults.
But in order to swim in a pool with all ages, we have to move all around the pool. What happens when we have small group ministry with mixed ages? Or with families? This could get pretty interesting with lots of splashing. Maybe we need to have a some lanes set aside for swimming laps, like being with our own age groups. And then we have some open water so that ages can mix. And maybe people can move between the lanes and the open area! How much fun! How much energy! How much possibility!"
My visit was capped with an afternoon with their group leaders and members. In addition to an overview of their program, they field-tested a session plan critique sheet that will be on the Network website. This is a tool for reviewing the numerous session plans that are available as well as a guide for developing session plans.
Thanks, Baton Rouge, for your contributions to Small Group Ministry/Covenant Groups.
Helen Zidowecki