In working on a new Network publication for General Assembly, I am appreciative of how much has been done, and is being done, to make Small Group Ministry available for all ages. Congregations have completely changed their programming for children and youth; there is awareness of needs of parents and families; and we are becoming more intentional about sharing between the age groups. It is also very pertinent to recognize the writings and conferences that have given rise to Small Group Ministry in differing settings, including from religious educators. Small Group Ministry is a catalyst between ministry and religious education.
The new publication will give basic information, session plans, and stories that have been shared. There is still time to add your experiences of using Small Group Ministry with various age groupings, such as elders, young adults, youth, and younger children. I will be able to accommodate articles that I receive by May 31. Send them to me at
The title of the new publication? Probably Small Group Ministry With All Ages.