"An elder is a person who is still growing, still a learner, still with potential and whose life continues to have within it promise for, and connection to, the future. An elder is still in pursuit of happiness, joy, and pleasure, and her or his birthright to those remains intact. Moreover, an elder is a person who deserves respect and honor and whose work is to synthesize wisdom from long life experience and formulate this into a legacy for future generations."
From Age-ing toSage-ing, Zalman Schacter-Shalomi, p. 271
The Unitarian Universalist Community Church, Augusta, Maine, started intentional focus on older congregants last year with discussions following our Elder Lunches once a month, and using the Aging session from the UUA adult curriculum, Weaving Our Diversity. This year we are offering Small Group Ministry following the Elder Lunches. This ministry is under the leadership of the minister, Rev. Carie Johnsen and the Pastoral Care Associates.
Some of the guidelines for my own development of programming for elders are:
* The language used is inclusive and positive. "Elders" is a respected concept in many cultures, and the wisdom and insight of elders is certainly needed in our culture at this time.
* The factors to be considered in planning small group ministry for elders need to be considered for everyone. While transportation or time of scheduling or the ambiance of the room may be more pronounced factors for elders, these factors apply to all ages.
* Actively involving elders in planning Small Group Ministry for Elders increases relevance. I realize that I am working on building a program that I want to grow into. And working with elders in the Augusta congregation is so rewarding and, frankly, exciting. We have two elder-specific groups, and others that involve elders in a more diverse age group.
* Elders have so many gifts - provide an opportunity for them to share. In a culture that tends to favor youth, we are the losers when the wisdom of the elders is not a regular part of our mindset. It is a privilege to walk with elders in their later years, with gifts, surprises and transitions.
I invite you to look at UU resources as you develop your Small Group Ministry with elders:
* The Northern New England District website for the work of Rev. Patricia Hoertdoerfer (www.uua.org). I have been using some of her writings in developing session plans, and have been led to great resources for further study.
* "Congregations develop programs for seniors" By Donald E. Skinner, Winter 2008 11.1.08 (http://www.uuworld.org/life/articles/121197.shtml)
I look forward to hearing experiences of congregations as they develop Small Group Ministry for Elders to be one of the most dynamic parts of our programming.
Editors Note: Rev. Helen Zidowecki is currently President of the UU Small Group Ministry Network.