If your church members understand your small group ministry program, they'll be more likely to want to join a group.
So, how would you help your church members understand your small group ministry program and how to join a group?
* fliers,
* brochures,
* newsletter articles,
* pulpit announcements,
* a page on the church website,
* a bulletin board display,
* an information table during Coffee Hour.
Other ideas:
* a small group ministry Sunday with a sermon by the minister or testimonials from participants. Having the minister promote the program makes it exciting and credible. If the Minister thinks it's a good thing, people are more motivated to join.
* An installation service or a formal recognition of all the facilitators and group members during a Sunday service make the program welcoming.
Editor's Note: Providing openings throughout the year is important to making sgm available to everyone. This might require recruiting and training new facilitators when a new group is needed or having a few trained facilitators in reserve.