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UU SGM Network
32 Stevenstown Rd.
Litchfield, ME 04350

c/o Rev. Helen Zidowecki


Site copyright 2004-2025
the UU Small Group
Ministry Network
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"The UU SGM Network maintains this section as a clearinghouse for Small Group Ministry resources that have been developed and shared by a wide range of people involved in Small Group Ministry/Covenant Groups.

We have organized the information from this section in three broad ways:

GENERAL RESOURCES that cover many topics.
FOCUSED RESOURCES that cover more specific topics under Implementing Small Group Ministry
ONLINE RESOURCE DIRECTORY, located below this description, includes hundreds of articles available on or linked from this website.

Please contact the Network at to contribute resources.

Publications from Interconnections and UUA website, links to congregational websites and other resources.

Small Group Ministry Network Facebook Group has over 250 members. Ask questions, share your work with Small Group Ministry, and receive information for other participants.

Our links page
Contains listings of other websites you may find of interest. Most are Christian, Interfaith or Secular sites

Contact us
For more information
To give comments, suggestions and contributions
To send articles and session plans
We look forward to hearing from you.
Rev. Helen Zidowecki,

Contains links to Implementing Small Group Ministry, the Online Resource Directory and more detailed resources for the following topic areas:

Overview of Small Group Ministry --Role and impact of SGM in congregations

Programming: Starting, Rejuvenating and Restarting Small Group Ministry - Guidelines and experiences in various phases of development.

Oversight -- Structure and vision of Small Group Ministry, congregational size, role of leadership (minister, coordinator, etc.), and assessment.

Group Leadership and Facilitation --
Group's connection to the congregation, facilitation, and leader selection, support and training.

Groups -- Group selection and development

Sessions --Format, sources and selection of session plans, covenants and confidentiality

Service -- Benefits to the groups, continuum of opportunities

Visibility for Vitality -- Keeping Small Group Ministry in the forefront of congregational opportunities.

MEMBERS SECTIONS (Being Developed)
Profiles and information from members about their programs.
Sections for:

SGM Coordinators
Religious Educators


This Online Resource Directory includes articles and other publications on this site and links to similar material on additional sites. For example, the articles in the SGM Journal and Covenant Group News are on site and are included in the Directory. Items can be searched by title, author, source and topic.

Directory Legend

Title: The title of the article, without "the" or "a/an".

Author: The writer of the material, frequently followed by the location of the writer at the time the article was written.

Source: The original location of the material and, where appropriate, followed by date, such as:

CGN = Covenant Group News, year followed by month
CCV = Center for Community Values
Q or J = UU Small Group Ministry Quarterly, or now Journal, year followed by Wi (Winter), Sp (Spring), Su (Summer), and Fa (Fall)
UUA = Unitarian Universalist Association, usually followed by 'web' indicating links to that website.
Web = If there is no other notation, this refers to this web site.
Bk and date = item is in a book published by the UU SGM Network. For example, bk2008 is Unitarian Universalist Small Group Ministry that was published in June 2008.

Topic: A general description of the content or specific group/purpose of the item. These are somewhat arbitrary. While some items may fit several categories, only one category is given per item. Following are definitions of the Topics in the Directory. Congregation = specific congregational characteristics, such as size, lay-led, electronic. (Impact of SGM on congregations is under Overview.)
Evaluation = Process, suggested tools for assessing and evaluating all phases of SGM
Facilitation = See Leadership
Groups = All facets of group development
Leadership = Coordinators, Group Leaders, Facilitators
Lifespan = All ages, mixed ages within congregations
Ministers = Role of ministers
Ministry = Shared ministry, the process of ministry
Other = Settings in which SGM is used, usually outside of the congregation
Oversight = Management of SGM, except as delineated elsewhere (example: Evaluation)
Overview = How SGM changes congregations, role of SGM in congregations
Programming = Starting, restarting, revitalizing SGM
Service = Continuum of opportunities, from congregational to social justice
Sessions = Format, process and session plans
SGM = General information about the concept of Small Group Ministry or Covenant Groups, including historical information
SGMN = Specific item about the UU Small Group Ministry Network
Situations = Events that have elicited specific session plans
Visibility =Publicizing SGM

 Title  Author  Source  Topic