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UU SGM Network
32 Stevenstown Rd.
Litchfield, ME 04350

c/o Rev. Helen Zidowecki


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the UU Small Group
Ministry Network
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Critique of a Small Group Ministry Session Plan

Based on "Session Plan Development/Selection Guidelines" in Small Group Ministry With All Ages, UU SGM Network, June 2011.

1. It is helpful to critique plans as you develop them, or as you review available plans.
2. While the critique can be done by the creators or selectors, it may be helpful to have someone less directly involved in the creation or selection of the plan to also review it.
3. Please critique a session plan before sending it for inclusion on the Network website. (The critique itself does not need to be sent in.)

Session Title:Date:

Keep it simple enough to focus.
Yes        No
The plan is facilitator and group friendly.
Yes        No
When you look at the questions, can you imagine discussion going in several directions?
Yes        No
The questions elicit responses of heart and spirit.
Yes        No
The number of questions is manageable for the group, time and topic.
Yes        No
The flow between the opening/closing readings, other wording, and questions is smooth.
Yes        No
The wording of the session plan is consistent with UU values.
Yes        No
The session plan is appropriate for the age group(s) with which it is being used.
Yes        No
The session is inclusive.
Comment: Who would be excluded by this plan?
Yes        No
The language is inclusive, objective and not judgmental.
Yes        No
Other comments and suggestions:

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