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UU SGM Network
32 Stevenstown Rd.
Litchfield, ME 04350

c/o Rev. Helen Zidowecki


Site copyright 2004-2025
the UU Small Group
Ministry Network
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Copyright Considerations

We have been asked about copyright considerations in creating session plans.
*Always document the origin of the material as completely as possible, including author, identification and location of the original material (including web sites and links). This includes noting the author of original material as a session plan is developed, even if it is initially intended for use just within a congregation.

*Give a complete reference so that people can find the original source, rather than copying material into the text of the session plan. For example, the UU hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition, is usually available to Unitarian Universalists congregations and individuals. The number of the selection used is noted.

*Contact the author or publisher for permission to use the material, especially contemporary authors and their publishers. Permission may be given gratis or there may be a fee (usually small) for using material. Publishers such as Skinner House may be interested in having people use excerpts of materials or actually developing session plans based on their publications.

*There is material that is considered to be in public domain, or no longer having copyright concerns. There is also material that can be taken from internet sources. Look for copyright notation or other statements regarding usage of materials. At the very minimum, document the sources.

Copyrights relating to the Small Group Ministry Network. The copyright considerations are the responsibility of the authors of the material that is being submitted.

Ownership of material that is submitted for the website remains with the submitter or writer. The Network is providing a vehicle for distribution of the material rather than claiming the material as part of the Network. (The Network is being noted on session plans as a note of location, not as a claim to ownership.)

People who submit material for inclusion on the website or in Network publications understand that it may be shared and copied. However, our contribution to this ongoing sharing is respect and gratitude evidenced through clear documentation of sources.

For further information and guidelines, see "Copyright Office Basics" on the U.S. Copyright Office's website at

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