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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring SGM Quarterly

The Spring 2008 issue of the SGM Quarterly has been sent to Small Group Ministry Network members. The articles from previous issues are posted to Small Group Session of this web site. However, the current Quarterly is only sent to members. Don’t miss getting it -- Join or renew your membership now. Articles in the Spring Quarterly are:

“A Good Blend: A Theme of the Month for Sunday Worship and SGM”, by Rev. Roddy O’Neill Cleary, Burlington, VT

“Reaching Out Into Our Congregational History” by Peggy Hebert, Concord, NH

“Facilitators’ Corner: Those “Aha! Moments” in SGM” by Rev. M’ellen Kennedy, Bristol, VT

“What’s Not to Like About SGM?” Rev. Bill Breeden, Bloomington, IN

“Community Ministers Use Small Group Ministry Format For Regional Gathering”

“Is It Time For a SGM Conference in Your District?"

The Winter 2008 issue of the SGM Quarterly is now online.



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